Def: A condition the result of which a vertebrate becomes an invertebrate
I used to be afraid that I was spineless,so I took up karate and kickboxing and messed up my knee.
First I walked with a cane, then with a four wheeled walker,lately not so much at all.
One calls it spinal Stenosis,another says it's too deteriorated to fix.
It's amazing what I can do in four and a half feet of water. But I don't aspire to become a tadpole. I'm looking for a chrysalis. I want to fly someday.
Although I never met you in person (Mom did once) I felt a connection with you. I appreciated the fact that even after the 23 things was over, you still followed my blog and made comments. I am very sorry to hear of your death and will miss you very much! I hope you get to fly now. Love, Lily and Mom
I too was never fortunate to have met you but your son was a dear friend of mine. Even 7 years after the day I discovered I would never get to see or speak to him again, I still feel pain and remorse that I will never get to tell him how sorry I am. Such an amazing human being not doubt had an equally amazing and caring mother and it brings me even more despair knowing you have left the world too.
I hope I am not asking too much, but if you can, please tell Dylan that Zach said "hi" and that I miss him. Other than that, I hope we can all meet each other again someday in a place where there is no darkness. I hope heaven is everything they say it is, I hope I can join you both up there someday.
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