About Me

My photo
no camera no ipod no laptop no pc no cellphone. i have a walker with wheels and a seat. i have a land line. i had a dog but he died. the taxicab lives. Some things have changed.The walker remains.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Taking Responsibility
What can I say? I didn't learn to drive until I was 18. There was always someone else willing to get me there.
Hey, it's nor my fault I can't take responsibility for my own learning. It's the way I was raised!
My Take On Obstacles
The times I really, really want to do myself in (like when Dylan died), my biggest obstacle is my therapist who just won't agree that it's okay for me to do it. Otherwise, I fall down, I get up; I fall down, I get up; I fall down, I get up. Someday I will die of natural causes.
Having Confidence
To have is to give is to receive again. Dammit! Does that mean I have to go back to teaching?
Building a Toolbox
At the risk of repeating myself: no camera no ipod no cellphone no pc. I put in the toolbox what I can pick up on my travels. Notice I have not used the word "buy".
Using Technology
Well, shit. If I can't avoid it, I will use it.
If you've read this post, I have taught you how annoying it is to vary the color of fonts, and how
very annoying it is to use a color that is hard to read.
READ CAREFULLY, DESIGNERS OF THE 23 THINGS, if you're paying attention:
You can't teach play. It happens

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rules of the road

Dos and Don'ts
Don't ever call the driver "Sweetie".
Don't drive with a hat on.
Don't go back the way you came.
Don't tip the driver .Save your tips for the cows;they need them. The driver already gets too many tips from that guy in Human Resources.
Don't work too hard at being a human resource. Save your energy for something more dramatic, like being a human torch or a human cannonball.
Dodo (Extinct)
DooDoo (crap)
Doodie (another way of saying crap)
Duty (if "a" equals "b" and "b" equals "c" then "c" equals...)

Several Things

One thing is about having a plan and following thru: I have no visions or reasons. I have ways of tracking the moon through telephone wires and wisteria...
One thing is about mentoring: I'm an old woman. I walk real slow. This makes it hard for folk to follow me.

I have a hat with a hole in it. Truth is, it's Dylan's hat. He's dead, too. Truth is, the Bubba dog was Dylan's too. After five years I find that everything is still about Dylan.

When they opened up the driver's head and the universe imploded, critical information was lost. Where, for example is the library? And what was it exactly that the driver did there? And, oh yeah, how did the driver transfer funds to Texas.net to keep the taxi's registration current. So the taxicab was zapped. But the driver woke up one day (that would be yesterday) and discovered that registration for the cab is now free. What a friggin' world. Ain't technology great?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008